Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Out with the old - in with the new

The final stage of our remodled kitchen was to replace the microwave and 20 year old stove.
 "Goodbye microwave, I won't miss you."
 "Goodbye stove,  I won't miss you either."
 One of our children asked why we were getting a new stove, "You don't cook."  I replied,  "Maybe I will start."  We even got a gas stove - for emergency preparedness.  Most purchases can qualify for emergency preparedness.  (Our snow shoes at Christmas.  We might have to walk in the snow, if our cars don't have gas, or the roads are broken up by an earthquake.)  See how easy it is to justify - oh, I mean qualify our wants - oh, I mean needs.   
 We have lots of firsts; ice maker in the fridge, and now  a microwave over the stove.  That involved work.  The delivery man wasn't an electrician, but handy-man-Dan was. He  installed an electric box in the cabinet above so we could plug in the microwave. 
 Can you read the delivery man's lips, "No outlet for the plug!"
Here they come. 
Don't they look nice. We sure are making it difficult to leave for another mission.  But...just you wait.  


AshDaBell said...

Looks beautiful! Can't wait to see the new appliances in person!