Monday, November 9, 2009

President Uchtdorf visits American Samoa

Pres. Uchtdorf visited with the people of American Samoa on Saturday, November 7, 2009. Many saints arrived 5 hours early, filling the Malaeimi Stake Center with over 2000 people. Today, in Institute we asked our young adults to write their feeling about President Uchtdorf.

"On Saturday all the Islanders were so happy that President Uchtdorf, a member of the first presidency came. I felt so excited because I got to see him face to face. I felt the spirit just by looking at him, and listening to his teachings. He praised us and what he said about our people and our island just made me feel proud of who I am." Frances

"WOW!! I was honored to actually see the second counselor to the prophet. It was packed with people and was just hot, but his presence sent a profound feeling to all those who were attending the fireside. I liked his message about having hope in these dark times, and to help reach out to those spiritually. It was such a lucky experience for me. He also said that we should be instruments in the Lord's hands. Sister Uchtdorf was such a happy lady. I like her 'liquid sunshine' talk. It really made my weekend." Genesis

"President Uchtdorf's talk both on Saturday in Malaeimi Stake Center and Sunday at the Apia Samoa Stake Center, were inspiring. I liked his words of comfort for us and those who lost their loved ones in the tsunami incident. He encouraged us to move forward because through nature and God, Heavenly Father sends a message for us to come and see the gospel more clearly. Sis. Uchtdorf was the funniest!!!" Meise

"It was such a wonderful opportunity for us to hear from an apostle of the Lord in person! In the very few hours that he's been here, I was able to learn so much from him. I am truly grateful that I had the chance to meet him in person" Rani

"President Uchtdorf: is a powerful speaker and knows how to get the audiences attention. He talked about 1. the importance of the Spirit 2. knowing what our role is in the plan of salvation 3. 'quote; Large gates are moved by small hinges' 4. families (marriage) 5. parents should not provoke their children to anger 6. the gospel can help those who are lost (tsunami) 6 missionary work. He had a great sense of humor." Ezra

"My feelings for President Uchtdorf: The time I saw him, he was a man of God. He didn't look like a prophet but a normal man. He is a true chosen prophet, even if he's just a 2nd counselor, but he was a prophet to me. He knows what we're going through and he loves SAMOA so much." Sinaretta

"I felt really inspired when President Uchtdorf talked about how we can be an instrument in the hand of the Lord. I felt as if the Lord was talking directly to me and telling me that I do have an important job. I have always put it back and this talk was definitely a wake up call to me! When I look at President Uchtdorf, he is such a simple man, and I really like what he said about not doing things to receive praise but do things because your doing it for the Lord. That point is a lesson to us because we often want to be seen the way man sees us. The Lord is a perfect example of doing things because it is His Father's will and not because he wants to be seen for praise." Radhika

"Our life here on earth is too short, and sometimes life is all about saying good-byes. It is our job as members of the church to invite all to come unto Christ by loving one another, and helping all in need. Heavenly Father has given us life of flesh and bone to enjoy and use our agency. He also wants us to be happy, but we can't if we don't move on. So we all need to understand His teachings to keep us at ease, so that we may be able to move on and enjoy life" Bryson

"Well, on Saturday afternoon, President Uchtdorf arrived at the airport in Tafuna around 3:30. Our ward primary sang at his arrival. It was a different feeling that I felt that afternoon. We shook hands with him, and I felt like it was a blessing for me to actually meet a prophet and his wife and daughter." Tupu

" It was indeed a privilege and honor to hear from President Uchtdorf. What a feeling I had from hearing his powerful voice in declaring his speech throughout the people of Samoa. I was overwhelmed with his examples and experiences he had. While in his presidency term he has reminded us that we are instruments of the Lord, and we should give heed to his counsels." Thank you, Fale, Institute President