Thursday, December 17, 2009

These are NOT what we grow back home!

Danny is picking the breadfruit.

My job is to carry it in the house.
Danny is taking the skin off. We baked it in the oven. It's really quite good.
Our gardens have gardenias. I am sure these flowers will be in heaven; with their heavenly scent.
Our lemons come from our tree out back. We pick them when they are green. Danny calls them limons.
The little fingerling bananas are the best. When we pick a bunch, another begins to grow in our front yard.
Danny is ripening them in the shed to keep the birds from eating them first.
The best is the pineapple. It is better than candy.


Bailey x 4 said...

Fresh tropical fruit is the best!

KMJ said...

What a fabulous place!!!!!