These sweet ladies greeted us at the Faleniu 1st Ward pre-conference party.
This was a event when everyone dressed up - matching outfits were common.
Pres. Masoe (counselor to our mission president), wife, sweet daughter Sila from our Institute, and a neighbor boy.
Some of our Institute youth: Niva and her sister, Sis. DaBell, Niki, and Sila.
There were several hundred children in the Primary, ready to eat and dance.
This lo'omatua (old lady) loved to dance.
Sister DaBell with Adrian, another sweetheart from Institute.
The dancing began.
We couldn't keep our eyes off this darling young teine (girl).
I was invited to come up and dance with the lo'omatua. I tried to do some traditional dancing that I had seen done.
She is great at dancing also.
The youth of the ward performed.
A sweet young lady and Elder DaBell.
AFTER we ate all we could from out plates, we took home about 20 pounds. We know, because we walked to the party, carried the food all the way home, and weighed it.
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