The Young Single Adults were off for Spring Break from American Samoa Community College. They planned games, food, and then a swim in the ocean. They just love to be with each other. We were happy to be with them.
I stayed out of the "war", with Tautai and his cousin, Nela.
Next, we tossed water balloons. Lopa, our Instutite Presidents (white shirt) is now a missionary in New Zealand.
We all lined up to throw the water balloons.
Yea! Isapela caught hers.
Taua was happy just to be there. Fia fia.
Sila caught hers also.
Jasmay and Ezra, great catch.
Adrian got soaked.
Meilani is drenched.
We had to handle the balloons so gently.
What a wonderful group.Roni and sweet Nela.
We love Adrian.
We had to keep the balloon in the air with our vae (feet) and ulu (head);
while we kept our mata (eyes) on the balloon.
Charity, who adds to her name, "the pure love of Christ", is a great example of pure love. She is with cute Tautai and Nela.
Smiling Meilani
We always use the board when we teach. Sometimes it gets pretty jumbled.
Frankie, Wesley, Adrian, and John
Niki and Sister DaBell
Bowie and his sweet sisters: Lapu and Cherish.
We went to wish Brent Schwenke II (Bowie) farewell for his mission. While waiting for his visa into Australia he is serving in Savai'i speaking Samoan.
We met a wonderful group of high school church members at McDonald's in Fagatogo.
We are home, we are home. It is hard to imagine. We completed an 18 month Samoa Apia Mission. We began a life changing experience July 2009 until December 2010. We are forever grateful to our Heavenly Father for allowing us this experience. We taught Institute at the American Samoa Community College, and helped our mission president with the 28-34 missionaries that were on Tutuila and Manu'a. We remember with great love and fondness the people we met.
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