Nu'uuli - We met Lynn (center) and her sweet highschool friends waiting for the bus.
Peter's place - We said good-bye to Sweet Terri. She went to University of Hawaii to get her master's degree. She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever know.
Judith's place - She just had a sweet new baby Allison. Her husband Jessie is a fisherman, and came home a few days after Allison was born.
Flower shop - This sweet lady is very impressed with the young Mormon Missionaries. "They help people where ever they go. I saw some in the hospital that were interpreting for a patient and doctor. They sure can speak Samoan."
Equator Restaurant - Bobbie (left) worked at SPEX Airlines, and now is at the Equator. She and the other lady (right) served us a delicious meal at our mission conference.
Mesepa -
Young ladies at a baptism,...
...and young boys.
Vatia - We stopped to visit Sweet Sister Bryce.
Fagasa - Samoan's are strong. This man carried the breadfruit, coconut, and banana's from the plantation to his truck with the aid of a long stick and basket made from the palm leaves.
Pago Pago - Jonnie took us on a tour of his work; we even met the boss.
Europa bore his testimony to Jonnie. He too, is a great missionary; and he may not even realize it.
Fagasa - We love being here.
Grandma Peter's place - Elder DaBell, and the young men painted Grandma's roof.
The Young Men tried to get the red paint off their hands.
Jessie's place - Grandma's 70 year old daughter lives nearby to help if she needs anything.
Road side market - Elder DaBell buys $2 worth of fa'i pula bananas every few days.
Forsgren parking lot - We ran into our newest dear friends, Matthew and Jessica.
Leau's - Sina and Europa invited us and Grandma Peters for dinner.
Post Office - Skyler got a ride from his father in the postal cart. We are amazed at all the people we meet on a day's outing.
Eka's place - Eka, her mother; and dear son.![](
Aveina Grocery Store - Sweet Annie, age 10, bags our groceries, sings, and visits with us. She makes grocery shopping a joy.
Vaitogi - We went to help the missionaries. I wanted a picture beside this lush vine.
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