Elder DaBell picked up 20 large priority boxes from the post office.
It took several loads to get them into the van.
The postal inspector, and others helped. Each box weighed 20 pounds.
I organized. Actually I just looked and enjoyed.
Inside each box were books: children's picture books, youth chapter books, non-fiction books; all in great condition from Justin Sanders and his scout troop.
After the tsunami September 2009, Justin and his mother, Kimberly, a teacher wanted to help. With the help of our ward scout troop in South Jordan Utah, they collected 400 pounds of new and used books. The scouts then mowed lawns to earn the $300 to mail them here.
It truly was a miracle. They ALL arrived in one week.
Matatula Elementary School on the east side of the island was hit by the tsunami. The teachers and administrators acted quickly when the village bell rang at 6:45 a.m., ushering the children up the hill to safety. No one was hurt, unlike other schools. However, their school was damaged, with water, sand, and sea life left in their classrooms. Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were the first to arrive and help with the cleanup.
For weeks the school was closed. When they reopened, supplies including books to read were all destroyed. Portable classrooms were brought in.
The East Zone Missionaries helped us deliver the books.
We all helped with the boxes. Elder Davidson (zone leader), Nielsen, Ilo, DaBell, Memea, and Laulu.
Even our sweet new daughter, Jessica Hyde came to help.
Elders Ilo, Laulu, and Nielsen the last of the boxes.
We stacked the boxes inside the office.
I showed the Principal, Ms. Tala a few of the books including one of my favorites One Morning in Maine.
After we took the boxes into the office, we moved them to the library. Elder Asaasa was so pleasant (with only four a's in his name).
Everyone grabbed another box - Elder Ilo Leaga included.
Two sweet students helped and giggled all the way.
thnks mom ;) that was such a fun day! we traveled to the end of the world and back together...and I'd do it all again.
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