Last Friday we went to see DuVall's. As you can see by their name it is kind of like ours.
*we rhyme
*we both have two capitol letters
*we both end with double 'l'.
We are thrilled to have something in common with this wonderful couple we have been friends with for six years.
Sister DuVall showed us a beautiful amaryllis that her daughter gave her. One stock had four blooms and now the second stock has two flowers with two more to come. She got me excited by explaining that after it has bloomed, you can put it in a cool dry place, and next fall begin to water it; and it will bloom all over again. I wonder if it is too late find these bulbs.
It is because of Sister DuVall I got the great idea on our mission to collect cancelled postage stamps for our grandson Peter, who was only six at the time. We asked all the missionaries to save us their stamps. We sent them to Peter, who was excited for the hobby. He got many stamps including some from South America, islands of the South Pacific, New Zealand, and Australia.
Sister DuVall said recently three people have given her their collections. She has thousands of stamps that she has been collecting for 30-40 years. She wanted to share her stamps with someone to help others get started.
She did just that. Now Peter, who will be eight this year; has quite a start.
The pile of stamps have just been soaked off the envelope, and are ready to be put into books.
The best part of watching DuVall's is their love they show for each other. She is 86, he 95. We went with her to the care home that her husband just recently moved to. She had in her hands a few letters to read to him, and Rummikub. They have played a game or two every day of their married life (to keep their minds active). They were so tender and cute to watch. I really do want to grow up and be like them.
What an inspiration they are to us. They are living examples of 'enduring to the end'. Their testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is real and strong.
She gave me my most favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. I made homemade soap with her. She sews, quilts, bottles tomato and grape juice and jam every year. When we finished our Inner City Salt Lake City Mission she gave us a queen size quilt which she made. EVERYTHING she does is exciting, fun, and fulfilling.
I am still on a 'natural high' from being in their presence last weekend. They make me want to be a better person.
Good times. That's a lot of stamps.
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