Sunday, May 5, 2013

Eat and Chat, and Chat, and Chat....

Our ward Relief Society organized an "eat and chat".  In many homes, ours included; people gathered to enjoy one another's company in smaller settings.  I love my tablecloth from Samoa, and my whole wheat Mikasa dishes I got when were married 35 years ago.  
Sally is doing her part of the preparation - napping in the sun.
 Danny is doing his part - grilling the chicken.  Can you smell it? I wish the picture were a scratch-n-sniff so you could enjoy the aroma.  The secret ingredient is "having a Danny to grill the chicken".  
Voila, people showed up and brought delicious side dishes of red potatoes, green salad garnished with bacon and slivered almonds, fresh stemmed broccoli, and homemade bundt carrot cake cooked with LOTS of icing.  It was sublime, and could only be topped by rich, wholesome conversation.  That night, I had a hard time going to sleep, thinking about how much fun we had.