Thursday, May 16, 2013

They catch me by surprise EVERY year

The picture above is one day, and the one below is the very next.  We have four crabapple tree (or something like that) just out the back door.
Each year they bloom for two weeks, and I feel like I live in heaven.
The golden delicious apple tree is even blooming.  Every thing is shouting "it's spring".

My reward for all the work of starting seeds inside in February.  I am now tired of babysitting them, and just want to get them planted.  Each flat holds about 72 small plants, and it takes great effort to get them planted.    
The flat on the left shows the rejects.  Most however grew.  
Here's the gorgeous heavenly trees.

This truly is MY room with a view. 
Can you guess what the orange in the back ground is?  Clue - NOT a flower. 
Oh, it's me, planting my baby seedlings.

Crazy Danny is always taking photos.  


Grammy said...

Dear Jean and Dan:

It's so fun to get caught up with you through your blog! Thanks for starting it again! All through our mission, I looked forward to your blog. You taught me to find the beauty in small things. Now you are teaching me the importance of good books, good art, and love of family. Thank you, thank you.

Much love, Peggy Haleck

Radhika Anandan said...

Love your flowers Sister Dabell!
Your pink trees are so beautiful.