Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Sweet Family- We have been in Tutuila with lots of 2's:
*been here two weeks
*learned two phrases: O a mai tou susuga faife'au tala'i? How are all you missionaries? Tofa Soifua Goodbye
*been invited to two people's homes for dinner (Pili's and Peter's)
*had two families over to our home for dinner
*been to two baptisms
*taught two times with the missionaries
*spoke in church two times (given 24 hours notice on one, and NO notice on the other)
*seen two 2"long cockroaches
We are thrilled it has come and gone. The speaking engagements are great to have out of the way. We were at a baptism Saturday evening when Danny got a call from a stake counselor asking if we would be the keynote speakers at a back to school fireside Sunday evening. They wanted us to speak for 15 minutes each, on "the importance of education". Today when we walked into Sacrament, the bishop asked us to speak that meeting. He said "it comes with the badge." Good thing for Doctrine and Covenants 100:5-6. As my mind was scrambling with what to say as the meeting began, I realized that I don't need to fill my mind, I need to empty it, so Heavenly Father can fill it with what he wants me to say. That takes so much faith in Jesus Christ, but is easier than the alternative, because he knows so much more. Emotionally it has been a draining day, but spiritually I was fed. We love you all. Have a great week. Look for more pictures on our blog in a few days.