Friday, September 4, 2009

These young boys are showing off their tuna, swordfish, and red snapper that the captain of a ship shared with the Pili's.

Our Relief Society in Masepa International Ward. Wow! Do they love to talk.

Noki is getting baptized. We sat in with the sisters while teaching him two lessons. This is our favorite thing to do. Elder Suamili, Noki, Sister Aiono, Sister Niutua, Elder Kiso, Elder Masaniai, and Elder Fisihetau.

We were jogging at the Malaeimi church. The Relief Society sisters invited us to tie-dye. Danny was so excited. We ran home and he got his shirts.

He loves Relief Society.

We went to a baptism at the Pava'ia'i chapel. As we looked up we saw Europa gardening. He is a new convert, and saw a need to clean up the church, so he did.

The sisters are very busy teaching. This husband just got baptized.

Danny didn't get enough of fabric shops when he was a child. He actually enjoyed taking this photo.
I am getting my Samoan language lesson from the children walking home from school.

Tuaoi and Anna are teaching us the alphabet in Samoan. We get help from anyone that will stop and talk to us. Learning the language and sharing the gospel are the best.

Four fine young elders out tracting: Elders Fisihetau, Memmott, AhSee, and Fiu.

We went to the post office and ran into Moronae Matagi (from Utah Haven Ward) brother and sister, Konefesi Petelo. They live in Pogo, Pogo. Moronie told them to watch for us. His sister was sooo excited to see us. What a small world this is.
Another lazy maile. Could he be saving his masters spot?

Greg the gecko, catching all the bugs under our carport.

Elder McDonald just arrived on the island Tutuila. We delivered him to Aua and his two "M" companions: Motes and Michaelis. He is a great missionary. He wanted to eat at Pizza Hut. It has been months since he has eaten palagi food.

The children love an audience and a camera. They are so friendly, and helpful to us with the language.

Elder DaBell and those who wanted to get into the picture. These people sure love to laugh.

We are waiting for some missionaries from Apia at the one and only gate at Pago, Pago International Airport.
Who wants a free can? Maybe they are recycling. We saw this outside KS Mart Tafuna.

This pictures is for Peter. He asked us if there were mammals. As I sat working at our desk, I noticed a mouse climbing up our window screen. We have been told there are large rats here also.

Our first transfer: Elder Masaniai, Elder Teaupa from Hawaii is being transfered to Savai'i, Elder Uimailuma, and Elder Fisihetau. These elders are a perfect example of why it is so difficult to remember their names.

Marie Maea and other girls after Mutual.

Elder Motes and Michaelis showing off their new chapel in Aua.

Elder Motes from Idaho is sending home a shirt for his father and puletasi for his mother. Elder Fisihetau from Murray is modeling.

We are always meeting people under our carport when it rains. If we want to practice our Samoan language, we just open our door, and we have instant friends.


Tanna said...

Wow, those are quite the names. I love Dad's interest in the tye dying. He needs to model his shirts. What a beautiful place.

Jared and Paige said...

I am so glad that you are keeping a blog so I can catch up on your adventures. I've taken the summer off from blogging. :) Now I'm back at it, and I will have to check in more often.

I was just called as the compassionate service leader in our ward. I am convinced that the most important thing that the sisters in our ward can do for each other is to sincerely and specifically pray for one another. I'm gaining a tremendous testimony of the power of prayer. I will be sure to keep you guys in my prayers as well.

Ginger said...

I am so thrilled to see you are having a wonderful time. It's making me miss Hawaii! I found a fabric store the week prior to leaving the island and I am in the works of making Aloha print burp rags and blankets for the newest arrival in 5 weeks. It's very humbling and joyous to see pictures from your mission and see the work of the Lord go forth in all nations across the world. It's so awesome to get a glimpse of what you're experiencing. Thanks for your examples!!!!