Friday, September 4, 2009

We drove up the road to Aoloaufou, and stopped to look at the beautiful Pacific Ocean through the windows of a home that was destroyed by a hurricane.

Beautiful west side of the island. We took a drive with the Pili's.

Cute children on the Tongan road, which is the worst road on the island. We rate the roads, by how many times we bottom out.

Elder Tonga from New Zealand, and Elder Lavaka from Reno Nevada are serving in Tongan wards here on the island of Tutuila. It is amazing how the Lords works to preserve their culture and heritage. These Tongan elders are serving in Samoa among the Tongans. They are standing in front of their new chapel beside a banyan tree that the local people wanted preserved. While building the chapel the tree died, and just last week, it burned down. The tree that is.

Sister DaBell and Sister Naia, who works in the PBO's office with Kathy. She has also been teaching early morning seminary with her husband, for years.
Add Image We wanted a papaya, banana, and coconut from the roadside market. They laughed and laughed at us when we told them we wanted just one of each. We asked them to open the coconut for us, because the only way we know how is to throw it as hard as we can on the ground. We are helpless palagis (white people).


Tanna said...

I was showing Pete and Abby all your pictures. They saw Sister Naia. Peter said, "She looks nice" and Abby said, "I like her dress.". You'll have to tell her.