Monday, November 23, 2009

Aua, Auto, Amanave

Michelle, in the center was just baptized by her 16 year old brother.

Elders Michaelis and McDonald taught her the lessons.
The father has been a member for a short time, and just baptized his wife. Their daughter will be thrilled one day.
Elders Talasaga and Tuala taught her the lessons.

Church is about to begin in Amanave.

We are stacking the chairs after church. We do that in Utah too.

This is the view from the canopy of our church meeting in Amanave.

The Saints walking home after church.

This sweet Relief Society sister brought her cloth for the table. It was the only possession she found after the tsunami. It was in a plastic bag; clean and dry.

The valiant missionaries that conducted, helped bless and pass the sacrament, and spoke at the meeting.
Everything is put away waiting to be taken down tomorrow, and then set up next Saturday, for Sunday meeting.

Last weekend, Nov. 14-15, 2009 we went to three villages to be among Saints. The physical structures in which we gathered were very different from one another. One village has the newest most beautiful chapel on the island, with air conditioning, polished tile floors, a baptismal font indoors, and a small apartment built out back to house the missionaries. Another one is built up on a hill, with the windows open to the outside. While sitting in the chapel I viewed outside beautiful green foliage with huge fruit bats flying about. The sounds were incredible as I listened to birds, people, and the ocean. The third was under a canopy with no side walls. It ws surrounded by a leveled village due to the tsunami less than two months ago. Tents, which are their fales or homes were pitched everywhere, and the now calm ocean was about 200 yards away.

These three villages bore wonderful events. A father who has been a member of the church for only a few months, baptized his wife. A handsome 16 year old priest, only having been a member for a year, baptized his older sister. The sacrament was passed to about 60 people who have no permanent home or church building.

I felt our Heavenly Father's spirit during all three ordinances, in all three places. It does not matter what the physical structure looks like. The greatest thing is that our Heavenly Father is real. He sacrificed his only begotten Son. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. Joseph Smith restored His gospel to the earth in these latter days. That is why we witnessed these events. I know it is true, these people also know it is true.

Humorous note: We were trying to call the missionaries in Auto (ah-oo-toe) from Danny's cell phone which he brought from Utah. We have West Zone, Central Zone, East Zone. These missionaries live in the East Zone. We tried their zone leader and couldn't reach them. I looked to see if we have these specific missionaries number listed. I found Auto Zone. Yea! We did. I called, it rang, they answered so quickly. The guy on the phone sounded like the East Zone leader. I thought he was playing a trick on me. "Elder Salt, is that you?" No, I had reached Auto Zone in Utah.


Tanna said...

What neat experiences and what a difference in each church meeting. That's too funny about calling auto zone.