Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mitchell is moving

My favorite south-door neighbors moved, and I'm sad.  
Rosemary is a dear friend of mine.
I am reminded of a children's book, Mitchell is Moving.  Margo, the dinosaur doesn't want her friend Mitchell to move two weeks away.  She wants to...
glue him to the roof,
tie him to the front door with a thick green rope,
scotch-tape him,
paper-clip him,
get a gigantic rubber band and loop him to his house,
cement him to the ceiling,
or take him to the laundromat in a laundry bag, and wash away his idea of moving.  
I too, wanted to do those things to Rosemary, however she is not a dinosaur, and she is not moving two weeks away.  She is moving to St. George, and it is nice to have someone you know and love in St. George.  
We will dearly miss her and her husband.