Friday, February 5, 2010

lenei ma lena (this and that)

This is a beautiful carved tree across the street from the post office. We see it often. Can you find Elder DaBell? He is the one with the tie.

On Saturday they sell floral arrangements to decorate their churches. Our chapels are also decorated with fresh flowers every Sunday.

Flag day is an important day for the Samoans to race their long boats. These men are building a boat for Manua to paddle next June. There is seating for around 30 oarsmen. Since they have taken fifth, fourth, third, and last year, second; maybe this is the year to be number one.

The Institute students LOVE to play ping-pong. In our honor, they drew our pictures on the paddles.

Fa'i, fa'i everywhere. Bananas are a staple in the Samoan diet; whether yellow or green, boiled, baked, or raw, they are delicious.
Danny has a bike shop: it's the kitchen table. He didn't think he would be repairing bicycles. What a silly assumption. Missions and bikes always go together.

These ladies are weaving fine mats used at weddings and funerals. They welcomed me to sit and chat.
I'm showing the beautiful painting in front of the island museum.
Everyone loves cute puppies. If they just didn't grow up to be dogs that bark and bite.
Isn't Tutuila beautiful?

Roosters make us laugh. This one is strutting his stuff on the church fence.
This mural by WyLand is on the Lutali government building in Utulei where we get entry permits for Samoan and Tongan missionaries.
Lage (toad) was introducted to Tutuila in 1954 to control the mosquitoes. They have had second thoughts as to their benefit.
The store pusi (cat) who owns Cost-U-Less lives, and as you can tell, eats the food there too. We came upon this scene while shopping. The one pump fueling station in Nu'uuli. Life is simple.
This scene is painted on the barricade that goes down to Lion's Park in Tafuna.


Tanna said...

What a fun collection of pictures. That tree is amazing and those flowers are beautiful. Miss you both!