Thursday, March 11, 2010

More mighty, magnificient Missionaries

Mighty missionaries on Tutuila. What an honor and responsibility to be their mata fa'aleagaga (spiritual parents).

Elders Householder, Gage, McKell, and Miller. We love the missionaries, and hate to say good-bye when they get transfered.

Elders Michaelis and McDonald were great companions. They dressed alike, even with matching ties.
Pres. Masoe, 2nd counselor in our mission presidency, came to see how we were doing. He is an incredible man, with a strong testimony of the gospel. We were uplifted by his presence.
Elder Larson with a mother and daughter who he baptized. We hope NEVER to tire of going to baptisms.
Missionaries McEwen and Tolley helped Elder DaBell harvest our second bunch of bananas. We love fa'i pula.
The reward was so sweet. Tall Elder McEwen just completed his mission. We sure miss him, but know he has other great work to do.
These Samona, Tongan, and Austrailian missionaries thanked my sweet friend and preschool mom, Jenni and daughter Molli, for sending them each a care package with treats, socks, clippers, and other items to helps them do the work of our Heavenly Father.
Tine, in my Primary class, and her family are together now, because her father got baptized.
Elders mighty Miller and wonderful Williams are just that; mighty and wonderful.
John Chase and Lotu got baptized. We love them.
Elder Tolley and DaBell said good-bye to Elder Sila, who got transfered. IWe love new missionaries, yet don't want to let any leave.
The island Ta'u is in good hands with Elders Chappell and Summers.
When missionaries get packages, they share with everyone, especially their soa (companion). Elders McDonald, Dimmick, Foster, and Larson.


Anonymous said...

Again, we are loving the pictures and updates. We also received your letter! THANK YOU!!! The boys were so excited and finished off the punch within the hour! You are amazing. Luv, Cole, Ben & Dana

Jonathan and Kiri said...

Wow, what an amazing work you get to be a part of! I love the pictures. I bet it really is so difficult to say goodbye to the missionaries as they get transferred. But how beautiful to be able to meet so many wonderful people!

I love seeing the work of the Lord roll forth. Thank you for sharing your mission on this blog! It's going to be a regular stop for me from now on :)