Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Before praying in Primary, they always repeat this rhyme:
Before we say our little prayer
Let each one himself prepare.
Our arms we fold,our heads we bow,
We close our eyes and pray NOW.
(This cute boy with his i'e, father's tie, and large shoes was ready to pray. His grandma told me that is what he insisted on wearing to church.)

Emele and her sister, Marjorie always turned around and welcomed me to Primary; "Hello, Sister DaBell."
I volunteered to help in Primary. After 2 months we still were not comfortable with each other. One Sunday I had 2 classes of 7 and 8 year olds, totaling 13 students. Some ran ahead, and locked the door into the classroom, another wouldn't speak to me, they wouldn't sit still, or keep their hands and feet off each other. During the lesson, I asked if they ever had someone leave and then return. I asked, "What did you do to prepare for their return". Among the kicking, tickling, and getting out of their chairs they said, "make our beds, brush our teeth, get food, clean up our toys". I tried to direct the lesson to when Jesus would return. "What can we do to prepare for His return?" A young girl raised her hand. I called on her expecting to hear a silly answer. She said, “Clean our hearts”. I was amazed, and thanked Heavenly Father for what I was taught by a child.
One day we were talking about missionary work. I asked if they wanted to be a missionary when they grew up. Most said, "yes". One boy said, "No, I want to be a high councilman."
I finally figured out to obtain some order in my Primary class. It has taken 4 months of substituting to figure this out. Heavenly Father gave me the solution that worked for us. If they were good I took their picture. As you can see, they were all so quiet and reverent. They loved to get their picture taken. The rules were: keep your hands in your lap, keep your feet on the floor or your own chair, don't touch anyone else, and raise your hand to talk. The picture taking worked famously.
They showed their Choose The Right shields.
They loved to color their baby Jesus and the manger.
We have a Special FAMILY:
Father is a part of it.
Aunties and uncles are part of it.
Mother is a part of it.
I am a part of it.
Love is a part of it.
You are a part of it.
A Primary child shared something with me when he heard that a boy in our class turned 8 and was getting baptized.
“It stinks to get baptized.”
“Oh,” I said.
“It stinks, that is why everyone plugs their noses.”
I smiled as I explained that they plug their nose so water won’t get in.
I substituted in Primary the last 7 months. Last Sunday I introduced the children to their new teachers. They are in good hands, I am excited to attend Relief Society, yet I will miss them.


Megan said...

Cute pics. THe kids are so cute. Funny stories. Glad to see a new post.

Michelle D said...

You are such a great teacher! I'm not sure I would have ever thought to take their pictures as a reward. Thanks for sharing the pictures of them, they are all DARLING!

Tanna said...

Those are funny stories. Peter enjoyed listening to all the kids names. They are sure cute kids.

Jonathan and Kiri said...

What cute stories! I love the "it stinks to get baptized" and how tender was the "clean our hearts". You two are doing wonderful things out there!

Jared and Paige said...

I am sure you were such an amazing primary teacher for those kids. I love your idea about taking their picture.