Friday, April 2, 2010

March marched on for the missionaries

We have the best language class. The missionaries teach us Samoan every Tuesday evening.

Sheri wished Elder McEwen the best as he completed his mission. He was the best.

The children waited anxiously as we dropped off Sisters Tenari and Seu Agaimalo for a lesson.
Elders Beck and Gage are among the hardest working missionaries.
Elders Lotofou, Malaefono, Fa'amausili, and Tufuga visited and rested at the Leone Chapel.
We came to check out the Sisters new place in Faleniu; and to wish Grandpa Mote Siufanua Manuia le Aso Fanau 81'st (birthday).
We love to see new missionaries. These came straight from New Zealand's MTC. Sister Toleafoa, Elder Tumanuvao, Sister Hunt, and Sister Esekia.
Fele just got baptized. Her non-member family came to wish her well. We are excited because she will move to Utah in the near future, and we can continue our friendship when we return.
Kim, in my Primary class just got baptized. He is a great example to his younger brothers. He invited me to speak.
When missionaries come, some must go. We are sad to say good-bye to Elders McKell and Householder; as they were transfered.