Friday, January 8, 2010

Many Mighty Missionaries in Motion

After this baptism we got FOOD. Elder Vaenuku, Sisters Tenari and Aiono, and Elder Fa'aiuga enjoyed.

This is the island on which the missionaires always gain weight. On preparation day, they get the scales out and weigh themselves.

Elders Suamili, Tufuga, Lotofou, and Fa'amausili rode their bikes to their district meeting. The bikes could use some repairs, yet Elder Fa'amausili reassured us, "It's heaps better than walking."

Elder Moala got two new pair of crocs shoes, which are perfect for the rainy weather. His companion Elder Vaenuku reminded him that it's good to share.

Missionaries LOVE to eat. The Pago West Stake gave the missionaries a wonderful Christmas party. Elders Young Yen and McDonald (front) agree.

Terrific Tutuila Missionaries

(front) Elders Larson, Miller, Motes, DaBell (back) Elders Chynoweth, Householder, McEwen, Salt, and Sims Guess who is the oldest? Our tough Zone Leaders: Householder, McEwen, and Salt.
Elder McDonald reuniting with Elder Pepe.

Elders Tuivaiti, DaBell, and Sila. Missionary work is marvelous.

Elders Larson and Nelson are catching up on the mission, and the mail.

Elders Vaenuku and Tuala, the twin missionaries.

Great elders posing for the photo: Sila, McEwen, Motes, Tuivaiti, and Moala

Will you pay attention? (front) Elders Vaenuku, Osa, and Householder

(back) Elders Miller, Fa'aiuga, Moala, Sisters Tenari, Aiono, and Elders McKell and Gage
They love to get together.
Elders Tuala and Talosaga cover the east side of the island.

Elder and Sister DaBell with the Missionaries Miller and Householder who baptized Janice. She is a sweetheart.
Elders AhSee, Memmott, Fiu, and Nelson surround this wonderful man, who just got baptized.

Elders DaBell, Fiso, and Lotofou. We miss Elder Fiso, who just finished his mission.

Elders Memmott, Nelson, Sims, and DaBell. It is great when we get together.

The central zone just had a major transfer: Elders Miller, Householder, Sims, Gage, Memmott, McKell, DaBell, and Nelson.

I love the Samoan missionaries. They wanted a picture with me. Elders Fiu, AhSee, Suamili, Fa'aiuga, Talosaga, and Sila

Nathan, George, Justin, Esse, and Fale are in our Institute class. They all have their mission calls. Yea! More Mighty Missionaries.
Elder Talosaga can almost reach the breadfruit.

This mighty duo: Elders Miller and Householder, can work miracles; with the Lord's help.
Elders Fa'amausili and McEwen
Ta'u at it's best: Elders Motes and Young Yen

Southern Elders Sims and Dimmick are teaching Ofu about canned peanuts and grits.

Elders McEwen and Motes have left Manu'a in good hands.

Elders Larson and Salt have a gentleness in teaching the gospel. They let us accompany them to one of their lessons. Fa'afetai

How many missionaries does it take to change a flat tire? Many, we lost count. Elder Dimmick began the work.
Elder Sims took over.
Elder McEwen showed off their success. Manaia tele (good work), missionaries.
Karla and I didn't know singing was part of our Samoan language class.

Elders AhSee, Memmott, Nelson, Kiso, and McEwen entertained us. We loved that class.

Elder Chynoweth is eyeing Elder Miller's goodies his grandparents sent him. We want to adopt his grandparents.
Elder DaBell said good-bye to Elder Lafai.

Is this good-bye, Samoan style?

Sister DaBell, with the two sweet sister missionaries on Tutuila, Aiono and Tenari.

Elders Motes and Tipa just arrived from Ta'u. Fale Tipa, his brother brought some things for him. Fale is now a missionary in Las Vegas. Elder Sila just arrived.

Elders Masaniai, DaBell, and AhSee. We love these missionaries.
Sisters DaBell, Aiono, Niutua, and Elder Malugahu.

Elders Chynoweth and Pepe.

At the airport, missionaries coming and going. Transfer day is here again.
The missionaries; Elders DaBell, Nelson, Tuala, Larson, and McEwen were getting ready for service.
Elder Salt showed us how to handle the toads. I would rather not handle them at all.
Elder Salt just arrived on Tutuila, AGAIN. But we were fiafia (happy), because we got to meet him.
We miss Elders Fisihetau, AhSee, and Memmott. Elder DaBell is still here, thank goodness.

I love these two Sisters Aiono and Niutua.

Our first set of zone leaders: Elders Pepe, Vea, and Fisihetau.

Tongan Elders Tonga and Lavaka.

We love to see the missionaries walking away from us, as it represents them going about the work of the Lord. What a sight!

Elders Lotofou and Lafai worked in Auto. What a beautiful area.

It's a miracle what companionships can accomplish; Elder Motes and Michaelis.


KMJ said...

What fabulous photos for me to share with my three future missionary sons! Joseph, Daniel and William say hello to Mrs. Jean, aka Sister Dabell. -Kristin

Megan said...

I love the photos. In the large group shot who's the little white lady in the back. We CAN'T wait to come. It doesn't seem real, but I am SO excited. Love you.